
Korea Image Banner (c) 貓樹Catree

A Frozen Flower (2008)

Movie: Dramalist Link

King: Hey Hong-rim, I am giving you an order
Hong-rim: What's that?
King: Fuck my wife
Hong-rim: Okay, that's easy
Queen to King: Are you sure about this?
King: Yeah, I already tried him so don't worry about his sexual prowess
Hong-rim: King, aren't you afraid I may turn straight?
King: Nah, that's the least of my worries, I need an heir
Hong-rim: Okay, Queen, let's get down to business
Queen: Oh I see now why the King enjoys you so much
Hong-rim: Umm…gee Thanks?
Queen: Let's do it a few more times
Hong-rim: Sure
King: Hey you two, I told you to fuck…but not to enjoy it too much
Hong-rim: You gave me a job, of course, I have to do it earnestly
Queen: Umm, that's kinda late to tell us that now
King: Well, are you two going to stop?
Hong-rim: Urmm, No?
Queen: Guess what, I'm pregnant!
King: Great! In that case, I'll cut off his dick so then you can't enjoy it
Hong-rim: Then King, you will not be able to play with it too
King: I'll take my chances, you are not the only dick around
Queen: I think they're all dead


Antique Bakery

Antique Bakery (2008)

Jin Hyuk: Okay, I will set up a bake shop so girls can come along, while I catch that bastard who gave me fucking nightmares
Audience: What a good-set up….. now where's the yaoi bit?
Movie: Nah, not much except this guy Kim Jae Wook kissing some French Guy in a few scenes
Sun Woo: Well, it's Jin Hyuk's fault for rejecting me in the first place
Movie: Didn't he make amends by hiring you?
Jin Hyuk: I just hired Sun Woo because I know he's good…at baking I mean
Sun Woo: And here I am with my hopes up
Movie: Ermmm…this is supposed to be a cinematic artsy-fartsy film- not primarily catering to Fujoshi fantasies
Audience: Oh well, we'll take what we have
Sun Woo: I Suppose so


Boy meets Boy

Boy Meets Boy (2008)

Short Film: Dramalist Link

Min Soo: Oh shit, I dropped the ball again
Min Soo: What to do, what to do?
Min Soo: Pick up the goddamn ball!
Min Soo: No, don't pick it up, that guy is staring
Cupid: I'm singing really badly ….so I can take up time
Cupid: I'm singing really badly…..so I can fill up space
Seok I: Shut up!!
Min Soo: What's the point of this movie?
Seok I: So you can learn your lesson, so you can pick up the goddamn ball!
Min Soo: But I want Those Balls. ...
Seok I: Then come and get them!


boys dormitory; male dormitory

Boys Dormitory (2017)

Short Film: Dramalist Link

BL Nuance: Boys smelling each other. Enough said. 

Boy 1: You smell good
Boy 2: It's my Mango shampoo
Boy 1: Can I borrow some?
Boy 2: Sure
Boy 1: I finally used it
Boy 2: You smell good
Boy 1: So we'll just smell each other
Boy 2: OK


A crimson mark

Crimson Mark (2004)

Short Film: Dramalist Link

Chancellor: Why are you arguing with me in Court?
Clerk: That's called flirting
Chancellor: Oh is it now? How about doing it?
Clerk: If you do me, I'll agree with you in court
*In Court*
Chancellor: Oh My god! You have a hickey!
Clerk: Oh no! Please cover it!
Chancellor: Are you sure that's from me?
Clerk: Bite me again and we'll see


cutter movie

Cutter (2016)

Movie: Dramalist Link

Se Joon: So you are the new guy here
Yoon Jae: So you are the popular guy here
Se Joon: Can't help it, I have that aura
Yoon Jae: Oh how to be you!
Se Joon: I'll let you in
Yoon Jae: What's the catch?
Se Joon: No catch, just sit around and pretend to see nothing
Yoon Jae: That easy?
Se Joon: Yeah and they pay well too
Yoon Jae: Then I'm game
Se Joon: Did you just say you're gay?
Yoon Jae: No I said I'm game
Se Joon: I must have heard wrong, but anyway, you see those girls?
Yoon Jae: What girls?
Se Joon: Those ones with boobs on their chests
Yoon Jae: Okay, didn't know they were boobs
Se Joon: Sooo ….. you just chat them up and give them a good time
Yoon Jae: I don't know how….
Se Joon: That's it…girls like adorable dorks
Yoon Jae: Really?
Se Joon: Yeah, so they don't see what's coming
Yoon Jae: What's coming?
Se Joon: Me!
Yoon Jae: Then I don't want to see it
Se Joon: Don't play hard to get
Eun Yeong: Se Joon Oppa! I'm available!
Se Joon: Go away bitch!


In Between Seasons

In Between Seasons (2018)

Soo Hyun: Mom, I finally found a friend!
Mom: Great! He can be my second son
Yong Joon: Thanks for welcoming me to your house
Soo Hyun: Yong Joon, let's go to my room
Mom: Have fun guys!
Soo Hyun: Only if Mom knew!
Yong Joon: I don't think your mom would like me if she finds out
Mom: Yong Joon! Don't come near me, you should be the one in a coma instead
Yong Joon: What happened to me being your second son?
Mom: Well, that was before
Yong Joon: How about being your son-in-law?
Mom: Even worse!
Yong Joon: Anyway, I tried
Mom: Try harder
*Some time later*
Soo Hyun: Ay that hurts!
Mom: Oh you're awake!
Soo Hyun: Is that how you greet your son?
Mom: You mean Yong Joon?
Soo Hyun: Mom, I just came back from a coma, and you've already replaced me?
Mom: Why Yes! Yong Joon is more helpful to me than you were
Soo Hyun: You can't blame me for sleeping
Mom: But that was a long long time ago
Yong Joon: Yeah buddy, the slow mo scenes hurt my back


Just Friends

Just Friends? (2009)

Short FilmDramalist Link

Seok Yi: What are you trying to do?
Min Soo: I'm trying to kiss you
Seok Yi: But your mother….
Min Soo: Don't worry about her, now where was I?
Seok Yi: Wait, just wait
Min Soo: I haven't seen you for a while, can I at least get a sumthin-sumthin?
Seok Yi: What if your mother see us?
Min Soo: Then we'll just let her watch
Seok Yi: No, really, what if she asks?
Min Soo: Then I'll say we're just friends
Seok Yi: But is this how friends greet each other?
Min Soo: In some countries they do
Seok Yi: Oh yeah, what country is that?
Min Soo: The land of rainbows and unicorns


Long Time No See

Long Time No See (2017)

Movie/SeriesDramalist Link
*Some sources classify this work as movie, and others as series

Wild Dog: Hey, the stories you wrote are pretty interesting, it feels as if you are the assassin!
Flying Dagger: Gee, thanks, am I really that good…of a writer, I mean, because it is impossible for me to be an assassin…
Wild Dog: Yes, yes, reading your novels make me orgasm, I want to meet up
Flying Dagger: Uhmmm…I'm sorry, I am too busy killing people, I mean, meeting people…
Wild Dog: But you are too busy to meet me? I guess, I'm just a random fan, probably your only fan
Flying Dagger: Okay, I might as well see you, why not?
Wild Dog: Yippee!!! Where at ?
Flying Dagger: Sorry to bail but I have important business
Wild Dog: You are so wishy-washy
Flying Dagger: Okay, I'm here now, what do you want?
Wild Dog: I want to fuck you then kill you, how does that sound?
Flying Dagger: Great! I want to fuck until I kill you too!


Matching!Boys Archery

Matching! Boys Archery (2016)

WebseriesDramalist Link

BL Nuance: A couple of boys lying on each other's lap; avoidance of feelings (outside of Fujoshi's fantasies)

Shi Ah: Guess what boys! I have a grand idea!
Cha Min: Who the heck are you?
Coach: Ah, she's your new club manager
Kyun Nam: Since when do we need a club manager
Coach: I just thought to inject some female aura in this all boys' club, lest you become all gay
Seung Joon: What's wrong with being gay?
Coach: Why? Are you?
Seung Joon: Umm...no, I'm just asking
Ji Wan: So what's your grand idea again?
Shi Ah: My idea is to pair you up with each other
Cha Min: And what is the purpose of that?
Shi Ah: This is to build teamwork, and also to fulfill my fujoshi fantasies
Ji Wan: Then I wanted to be paired up with Seung Joon
Seung Joon: Why me?
Ji Wan: Because you're the best and being handsome doesn't hurt either
Cha Min: How about me? What other choices do I have?
Kyun Nam: Hey, don't look at me, I'd rather be paired with Coach
Coach: What? I didn't sign up for this



Method (2017)

Jae Ha: Hey, Noob, why are you always late?
Yeong Woo: Why do you care?
Jae Ha: Just because you're a pop idol doesn't mean you can slack off
Yeong Woo: You're just jealous coz I have fans that are preventing me from arriving on time
Jae Ha: Well, I may not have crazy fans, but at least I have principles
Yeong Woo: You can take your principles and shove it up your a$$
Jae Ha: Listen here you brat, this is serious work which can only be done by serious actors
Yeong Woo: Yeah, yeah, I know how to act, you don't have to tell me
Jae Ha: Oh really? Show me what you've got
Yeong Woo: Wait, wait don't choke me
Jae Ha: What? I'm not choking you
Yeong Woo: These people think so
Jae Ha: You're lying
Hee Won: Jae Ha, why are you hurting the poor guy?
Jae Ha: I'm not hurting him
Hee Won: But look! He's hurt!
Jae Ha: So now you believe him, rather than believe me?
Hee Won: Well, you've lied so many times, how do I know if you're acting?
Jae Ha: But this time I'm telling the truth!
Yeong Woo: Jae Ha, I can't believe you came on to me even though you have a girlfriend!
Hee Won: What??!!!
Yeong Woo: *Sniff Sniff* What am I gonna do now with my life???!
Jae Ha: Stop it bitch! I'm really gonna choke you!


My Pistachio

My Pistachio (2018)

Short FilmDramalist Link
Hanbit: Hey Muyeong, what are you fussing about there?
Muyeong: Nothing, I'm just shuffling my feet trying to figure out something
Hanbit: Like what?
Muyeong: Like what your favorite snack is
Hanbit: It's nuts
Muyeong: I know, I know it's crazy, I don't normally have these intense feelings
Hanbit: All these just for a bag of pistachios
Muyeong: It's because you are My Pistachio
Hanbit: Oh, please pass the cheese


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