Terms and Conditions

Please be warned that by visiting "Tankybluebl.blogspot.ca" and/or "Tankybluebl.blogspot.com" and all its corresponding pages, you agree upon the site's terms and conditions. For the purpose of uniformity, any reference hereon to "Tankybluebl.blogspot.ca," "this blog," "this website" or any variations thereof, is equal to "Tankybluebl.blogspot.com" and vice versa. 


This blog is for entertainment purposes only, and is no way, shape or form, an exact rendition of the dramas and movies that are being parodied. Deviation from the drama and/or movies, slight or otherwise, may occur. This site also contains explicit material, including but not limited to: profanity, sexual connotations, erotic imagery, LGBT themes, and other information that are similar in nature.

Mature audience only is preferred and parental guidance is strongly recommended. This site also contains spoilers and visitors must assume their own risk.

The stories, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this website are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.


Creative Content Licensed by Tankytoon/Tankyblue as owner of “Tankybluebl.blogspot.ca.” Any content on this blog that you would like to copy or distribute should have the written consent of this site’s owner. If permission is obtained, please ensure that it should be linked back to the original post where they are originally featured or at least credit be given or attributed to “Tankybluebl.blogspot.ca.”


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